Paging Expert Feral Druid TC for consideration 3 August 2018

@Xanzara @Guiltyas

Total gain on PR profile (iteration 19) +2.492% [3 August 2018]

Will need to double check AoE/cleave code.


As can be seen, Rake uptime is only 96.80% and MF is only 95.7%

Although it is known that more rakes have BT on them than shred, the differential in direct damage is:

Rake(Direct) 3141

Shred    3388

Difference  247

There is a potential to life Rake uptime, by ignoring Rake timer and casting Rake on BT. Higher Mastery would help this hypothesis. The PR profile has 209 mastery, 1958 haste. The goal to beat is: 10032 DPS                                                                                                    The secondary stat break-up is extremely optimistic in the real world.

For Heroic Raid sims which force you to only have raid gear, you would have a more balanced gear set. Further, Rake Spam gives you berserk procs

Iteration 0 10032

Iteration 1: Changed Combat Pot 10136

Iteration 2: Removed AoE code 10136

Iteration 3: Added Rake code just before Shred, uptime lifted from 96.8% to 97.5% 10145


Iteration 4: Added Moonfire spam during TF. Moonfire up from 95.7% to 96.2% 10147


Iteration 5: Moved Moonfire spam to just before Shred                10151

Iteration 6: Don’t spam moonfire if you need Rake energy 10154


Iteration 7: Changed line (4 is just plain wrong. Pandemic is 3.6s so you need regrowth at 4.6s not 4s. I used 10 here for the yolo, but 5+ is same effect) 10159




Iteration 8:          Don’t spam Moonfire when Berserk is up (use shred) 10168



Iteration 9:          Changed combat pot if you have sabertooth you are always in execute, therefore use it on every Berserk.

Looked at simulationcraft pre-raid profile and noticed new gear. Target to beat 11032

Iteration 10: Grabbed new gear set with Azerite Powers and applied code 11168

Iteration 11: Considered no Rake spam if you have Berserk. Rejected     11160

Iteration 12: Change opener to use Tiger’s Fury to enter Cat form rather than Dash  11201


*Opener now looks like Rake, Moonfire, Shred to 5 CP, RG Hard, TF Rip 11201

Iteration 13: Changed Regrowth on 4 back to <10 Rake remain   11208

Iteration 14: Move berserk to prepull to match “Robo Opener”.  11231

Iteration 15: Try to reduce wasted clearcasting (apparently 10 are wasted lmao) 11237


Iteration 16: Throw on some limiters for end of fight (refreshable for moonfire and !ticking for rake) 11241



Further ideas: Implement “robo combo” which is RG at 3 if no clearcasting, moonfire/rake/finisher. Need to write conditionals based on TF cooldown/duration so its a bit complex.

Gear exploration:

Iteration 17: 11257


Iteration 18: 11273


Iteration 19: add a clause to stop wasting clearcasting during moonfire spam.


Original Profile 11032, New Profile 11307, increase: 2.493%

Azerite Traits – Not touched as I don’t now how to edit.


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